Love Letter 4

Feb 10th, 2010

My love,-to the girl I will one day call my own,

I woke up with a fresh body, fresh mind. Given that last night I was on the verge of falling very sick, it feels good to be alive, strong and hopeful. The sun is also shining, first time the morning is this golden since Friday. I hope you’re fine.

Josh, a few weeks ago remarked and said that

“*sigh* Love?

A while ago I would have told you that “love is gain and pain is gain which means that love is pain”…but well, I guess it all depends on how you perceive it and take it.

And I think I was wrong…”

Love can be pain, I choose not to let it be. Honey, love is perfect, people are not. Sometimes we hurt each other, willingly or unwillingly. I may have said words that broke your heart, may have done things that annoyed you but deep down you know if I could, I would take them back because I love you.

Love doesn’t play by the rules, lol, yeah I had to laugh. Why? Sometimes love won’t let me follow my head, sometimes it makes me follow your voice, your heart beat, your touch.. lol. I love love, because love is beautiful.

You see, they say when love settles in ones heart, a cliff becomes a meadow; baby I can fall and not mind.

I know when you hurt me, it was painful,is always painful- like someone scraping my heart with barbed wire. It seethes to the core, gives me simmers in the head- it is painful but love endures, I believe it does- my utopian heart believes it. I love you; the pain is an itch that passes, because love is an elixir of life.

I love you baby, now, then, forever… I love you- you’re the endless song in my heart.

Yours sincerely,

Your love,
Purple Heart

Love Letter 1, Love Letter 2, Love Letter 3


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